Bible in 90 Days - Week 1
Well, the first week of the 90 day challenge has passed and I am on pace as long as I do my reading tonight. One of the things I was hoping for has actually started to come to pass. I know that some may think that by blowing through the Bible so fast, that you might miss some stuff and that may be true. However one of the things they said in one of these interviews was that by reading so quickly you have the opportunity to associate more things than you would in a one year plan. The reasoning is that you will notice more things because you are reading things much closer together (than a one year reading plan). I am currently in Exodus and I am reading the plans for the Tabernacle. One of the things that stood out to me was how the Israelites were able to provide so many things for the building of the Tabernacle, the priests robes, and other things. Lots of gold, silver and expensive products went in to the building of these things. As I was reading this, I started to ask myself how were these people who were slaves able to afford so much. Then the answer came to me: when the Israelites left Egypt, God put it in to the hearts of the Egyptians to be favorable to the Israelites. The Egyptians actually gave the Israelites many items of gold, silver, and clothing (Exodus 12:35,26). So after "plundering the Egyptians" (see same verses) the Israelites had enough raw materials to build the Tabernacle, the priests clothing and all the other items and instruments used in worship. It amazes me how even though we think things are all messed up and God is no where to be found, that he has everything planned out way in advance.