Friday, December 08, 2006

Recommended Reading

I always appreciate getting book recommendations, so I thought I would share some great ones that I've enjoyed over the last couple of months.

Promises from God for When You Doubt
My ex gave me this one a while back (for my birthday I think). I didn't use it much, but this summer I started picking it up and it really proved to be a great blessing. Its just a small book of select verses from the Bible categorized into sections like anxiety, comfort, fear, despair, love, mercy, etc. Its a great book if you just need a quick verse to remind you that God loves you and has a plan for you. I believe its published by these folks, but you can pick it up about anywhere like Walmart.

Smith Wigglesworth on Healing and Ever Increasing Faith and Smith Wigglesworth Devotional by Smith Wigglesworth
Smith Wigglesworth (I love that name!) was a Englishman who was born in 1859 and became an incredible man of god. He was nicknamed the Apostle of Faith. His background is really quite fascinating and worth looking in to. I've read lots and lots of book by many of today's Christian authors, and often I can feel the anointing that God has placed on these brothers and sisters and it seems like the power of that anointing varies from person to person and even book to book. And I have to say that in that sense, Smith Wigglesworth blows them all away. His writings are actually taken from his sermons and not from his action of writing. Although he had some speech difficulties in his life, his sermons still carry power .. God's power I believe.

The Supernatural Life by Cindy Jacobs
LOL .. I've read two books by Cindy Jacobs now and both of them really gave me the heebe-jeebees. But I mean that in a good way ;-) This is a great book full of Cindy's personal experiences. This woman of God has lived an incredible life and has a lot of experiences to share as well as practical wisdom. Its a nice book too since it doesn't try and convey heavy spiritual truths or weighty doctrine. I found it to be a healthy explanation of how to live a spirit filled life.

Breaking Intimidation by John Bevere
This was another good quickie. It really helped me this summer as I was dealing with some real stinkers at work. This book uses Scripture and John's personal experience in ministry to expand on the power that we have as Christians to break a spirit of intimidation that sometimes rises against us. Again, this one is not a heavy theological tome, but it provides a good brisk walk through the topic of taking your place of God given authority in both the spirit realm as well as our realm.

Blessing or Curse You Can Choose by Derek Prince
This book addresses how curses can enter in to a persons life and produce destruction. Derek Prince covers many different forms of sin that can introduce a curse into a persons life ... even a Christians life (yes, Christians can in fact be Christians and still live under the effects of a curse. Derek provides a very thorough explanation from Scripture about how curses work themselves into our lives, and how the Jesus and the Cross can free us of these things. This book was very New Testament based, which I like. I did find it rather dry at times, but for me at least this was one of those "read it now and use it later" kind of things I think.


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